Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Max Dupain

-      -  Born April 4 1911 in Sydney
-       - Died July 27 1992
-       - Received his first camera in 1924 as a gift
-       - Max Dupain served in the Royal Australian Air Force in WW2
-       - In 1939 Max Dupain married Olive Cotton

Max Dupain strived to achieve actuality in his photos. Max worked a lot for the University of New South Wales and CSR Limited. Max has been said as ‘One of the earliest and most outstanding champions of modernism in Australia. Max Dupain is known for his many photographs of Australians in their natural habitat: the beach.

As Dupain lived in Australia, he was greatly influenced by his world around him. He took many, many photographs of Australians at the beach and depicting the beach culture. He was also affected by the war; he became aware of the truth that needs to be evident in documentary. He wanted to abandon the “cosmetic lie of fashion photography or advertising illustration”. He said:

"Modern photography must do more than entertain, it must incite thought and by its clear statements of actuality, cultivate a sympathetic understanding of men and women and the life they live and create."

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