Monday, 31 October 2016

Self Evaluation


What grade did you think you will earn for each category? Type in your response.

Does Not All Meet Expectations
Approaches Expectations
Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Focus on all aspects of the task


Process from ideas development to completion

Organisation skills


Style & Workmanship



TOTAL: 19/20
Strengths of the process or assessment task
Weaknesses of the process or assessment task
Producing good time lapses, well composed and exposed. Process from ideas to planning to execution, then editing.

Organisation of when to shoot time lapses, which time lapses on which day, where, how long etc.
What did you learn from doing this assessment task? (skills, life lessons, words etc.)
I learnt how to organise a major submission which is 14 weeks worth of work. How to successfully plan a major submission in order to execute it well.

How do you feel about your final product? Why?
I feel very proud about my final product. I am happy with the time lapses and the way in which the video conveys the message I was aiming for. I am satisfied with my final product.

If you could do this task all over again, what would you do differently/the same?
I would change how I planned the time lapses- make very detailed plans. I would shoot the time lapses in the same place and with the same intervals, composition and exposure in the same way.

Did you enjoy this assessment task? Why or why not?
Yes I did enjoy the assessment task as I liked the freedom we had with choosing what we wished to do for our submission. I enjoyed working on what I wanted to work on. I also enjoyed putting together all the time lapses which I was very proud of.

What would you improve for your final product for next time?
I would improve how I organised the time lapse shoot- very detailed planning- when, where, details etc- this is important so I know exactly where to shoot next and I can save time when out in the city- I may have been able to shoot more time lapses.

Mini Planets

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Possible School Time Lapse Locations

This location is in the stairwell that joins the Miguel and Turon buildings. It has a good vantage point but a drawback is that it is in a stairwell, meaning lots of people are walking past it and it could get bumped.

This is taken from the stairwell to the maths staffroom. It is a great location as it has a good vantage point and not many students are walking past it.

This is a great location as it is in the Solomon stairwell and higher up away from people. It does not have a very good vantage point as there are a lot of things that will block where the movement is.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Structural Frame:

How well do you use specific 4D technology?
I use 4D technology through using my GoPro and the various mounts that can attach it to lots of different surfaces. I also use 4D technology in my SceneLapse, which spins the GoPro while it is shooting a time lapse.

What signs, symbols and codes are used to convey a message?
The symbol of people rushing around is used to convey the message of business within schools and cities.

How well do you use specific Elements and Principles of Design?
Direction is used in my composition in the ways in which people move; where the different groups of people are going. Unity is also used in that time lapses will consist of movement in one dominant direction; all the people are moving as one.

The Postmodern Frame

Does your Photographic Series, Video, Digital Animation or Documentation challenge traditional conventions?
Yes, it does challenge traditional conventions as it is comparing a school to the city. Many traditional compositions of time lapses will only consist of a bustling city, though my video will change this by using other places that are not normally considered to be like a city.

Is your Photographic Series, Video, Digital Animation or Documentation appropriated or quoted from another source?
No, my video is not appropriated from another source. I have not appropriated any particular time lapses nor have I appropriated taking a time lapse of the school.

Ernst Haas

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Information About Influencing Artist

- Ernst Haas was born in 1921 in Vienna
- Haas studied art, literature, poetry, philosophy and science
- He was sent to a labour camp by the German army
- In 1940 he returned to Vienna to study medicine, but was only able to complete one year of study as he had Jewish ancestry and had to leave school
- In 1949 he accepted an invitation to join Magnum
- Ernst Haas published four photography books
- Haas has photographed many subjects which involve movement.
- Haas has also photographed homecoming prisoners as well as many cities he has travelled to.
- This has influenced me to make an artwork with movement in them as I can see how powerful they have the potential to be.
- People that also influence my artmaking include Randy Halverson, Enrique Pacheco, Tom Lowe and Christopher Malin as they all create incredibly dramatic time lapses which inspire me to do the same.