What grade did you think you will earn for each category? Type in your response.
Does Not All Meet Expectations
Approaches Expectations
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
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Focus on all aspects of the task
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Process from ideas development to completion
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Organisation skills
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Style & Workmanship
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TOTAL: 19/20
Strengths of the process or assessment task
Weaknesses of the process or assessment task
Producing good time lapses, well composed and exposed. Process from ideas to planning to execution, then editing.
Organisation of when to shoot time lapses, which time lapses on which day, where, how long etc.
What did you learn from doing this assessment task? (skills, life lessons, words etc.)
I learnt how to organise a major submission which is 14 weeks worth of work. How to successfully plan a major submission in order to execute it well.
How do you feel about your final product? Why?
I feel very proud about my final product. I am happy with the time lapses and the way in which the video conveys the message I was aiming for. I am satisfied with my final product.
If you could do this task all over again, what would you do differently/the same?
I would change how I planned the time lapses- make very detailed plans. I would shoot the time lapses in the same place and with the same intervals, composition and exposure in the same way.
Did you enjoy this assessment task? Why or why not?
Yes I did enjoy the assessment task as I liked the freedom we had with choosing what we wished to do for our submission. I enjoyed working on what I wanted to work on. I also enjoyed putting together all the time lapses which I was very proud of.
What would you improve for your final product for next time?
I would improve how I organised the time lapse shoot- very detailed planning- when, where, details etc- this is important so I know exactly where to shoot next and I can save time when out in the city- I may have been able to shoot more time lapses.